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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Original Eyewear the leading provider of vision care products and services in Syracuse.

Dr. Dave Braun

Dr. Braun began his career in the optical field as a lab technician during high school at Aquinas Institute in Rochester, NY. As he proceeded through St. John Fisher College, he focused his studies on science and became became an apprentice optician. After shadowing several Optometrists and Ophthalmologists in Rochester, he chose to pursue optometry at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (now Salus University). Dr. Braun and his wife Melissa, moved from St. John Fisher College to Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Braun completed his Optometric training and did additional training in specialty contact lenses, pediatrics, low vision and military and veteran eyecare.

Dr. Braun has been in practice in Syracuse, NY since 1999 and now operates 2 practices in Syracuse and Watertown. He currently specializes in specialty contact lens fittings and medical management of ocular disease.

In his spare time, Dr. Braun enjoys spending time with his family, watching his kids play sports, and traveling. He volunteers his time on international humanitarian missions providing eyecare to less fortunate communities, most recently with Young life in El Salvador.

Dr. Julianne Shelton

Dr. Shelton is a Central New York native, graduating from Central Square’s Paul V. Moore High School. She studied Biochemistry at LeMoyne College where she graduated Cum Laude, acted as the Student Government Vice President, and played on the women’s volleyball and golf teams. She continued her education in Boston, MA at the New England College of Optometry, completing rotations in Boston, MA, Miami, FL, Manchester, NH, and Westchester, NY. While in optometry college she was the president of the Student Government and played an active role in the Private Practice Club and Spanish Club. In addition, Dr. Shelton traveled to Peru on a medical mission trip to help provide eye care to remote populations. Her optometric interests include contact lenses, specialty contact lenses, and ocular disease, which helped her to achieve the Alcon Contact Lens Case Report Award in 2018. In her free time Dr. Shelton likes to play golf, volleyball, and spend time with her friends and family.